Monday 30 January 2017

Common Characteristics Of Successful Blogs


A blog (short for weblog) is a personal online journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. Blogs are defined by their format: a series of entries posted to a single page in reverse-chronological order.
Advantages of Blogging
1. You get enough time for yourself. You can give more time to yourself and your family.

2. You can remain energetic whole day. No traveling for office and no boss of yours. You are your own boss.

3. You can work as you like. No one can bound you or order you. You can do your work as you like at any time.

4. If you sell things or service you can make available to your clients all time. Best customer service you can provide.

5. You can set your own revenue. As much as you give time and do your job nicely you can earn as much as you like.

Disadvantages of Blogging

1. Alone all time. If you are full time blogger you have no colleagues, no co-workers and you are always alone.

2. If you are full time blogger and not earning enough you have to struggle with economic conditions.

3. You can not work when you are ill or outside. And no one there to carry on your work.

Common Characteristics Of Successful Blogs

1. Awesome design

2. A clear focus

3. Regular content

4. Spectacular images

5. Vibrant Community

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